Guidelines for authorsPresentations times and formatsOral presentationsFormat
Time will be strictly enforced to allow participiants to move between sessions. As a general rule, it is usually recommended to plan one minute of talking per slide. Because discussion is imporatnt, we strongly encourage speakers to seriously take into account the time dedicated to questions at the end of their talk. Audio-visual facilities will be available for testing and viewing during the conference. Computers with installed recent versions of Microsoft Office / LibreOffice will be available in each room where oral presentations will be scheduled. Please be aware that full compatibility with the version used to prepare your slideshow cannot be warranted. Potential unexpected behaviour of animations, layout or fonts in slideshows may happen due to software compatibility issues. To avoid such difficulties, prefer a PDF format if possible. Slideshows containing embedded images or videos can become large in size and slow down the computer with which it is displayed, or even freeze it. Please try to limit the size of your file to a reasonable size by limiting the size of inserted images / videos. UploadingFor all scheduled talks, slideshows may be uploaded on Monday during business hours at the registration corner. On other days, talks may be uploaded directly in the room where the talk is scheduled, preferably in the morning during coffee break. Speakers will not be allowed to attach their laptops to the projection system. TemplatesWe propose (optional) templates for authors who would like to adopt the graphical standards of the conference (in '.pptx' and '.odp' formats). Please feel free to use them for your own slideshow. This is only optional. Template for slideshows (pptx) Poster presentationsFormat requirements
SessionsThere will be four poster sessions during the week. Poster sessions are organized per day. Posters scheduled in one session should be displayed by the authors the morning of the session (before sessions start) and taken down at the end of the conference day. Posters presentations are scheduled by topics during the week, mainly in consistence with talk sessions happening during the samed day. Please see the program below and check the topic attached to your abstract online to see when your poster needs to be displayed. PrintingPlease note that poster printing is not included in the conference fees: participants must make sure that their poster is printed before the day of presentation. Participants have the possibility to print their posters using university services at discount price (35 €). If you wish to use these services, please send a request to repro.at.univ-reunion.fr (replace .at. by @) with you poster attached in electronic format (see requirements below) and ask for a quote. Do mention that it is for Island Biology 2019 conference to get discount. Posters sent for printing should be prepared in A0 and PDF format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch) for images to ensure visual quality at printing. For posters scheduled for presentation during the first session (Monday 8 July), make sur to send your file early if you want to have it printed locally. Poster will be made available at the university printing office located next to the conference rooms. Please have a look at the site map to find it, or ask the conference staff on arrival. Sessions program
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